Being open minded sucks more and more as I get older. There are so many things to evaluate and judge. Sometimes I envy religious fanatics. Blessed with predefined thoughts, all you have to do is evangelize...

On the other hand, I could use a good dose of tolerance. Maybe it's a slight tint of perfectionism seeping through, but I haven't been very tolerant in my life. Actually, does it count if you can display tolerance on the outside even if you don't feel it inside? Probably not. No human has a completely opaque interface. Hmmm, interesting.

It's amazing how smart couches are. Showers too, for that matter. When you're confused, they'll be glad to whisper advice. So I'm sitting around half-naked and mostly confused, and the couch starts telling me things (is this god?). I realized that in order to give myself correct directions in life, I need to know where I'm heading (wow, it all seems so obvious now. Maybe the couch isn't so smart!)

I have two primary goals in life:

  • become intelligent
  • spend lots and lots and lots of time with Katherine

Now that I know what I want, I need to figure out how to succeed in the quest of life. The first one shouldn't be *too* hard, as I just need to keep doing what I am and slowly climb to enlightenment. I want the second even more than the first, but I'm far more hesitant about it. I don't trust my ability to make people happy.

On an unrelated note, it's kinda funny how occasionally I'll find a technology, talk about how cool it is in #sphere, and then everybody will check it out. I guess it's not so funny. Ah well. :)

I suck at expository writing. Rizen, teach me your skillz!

" casting doubts into the waters, asking judgment of the sea..."