It's been a LONG time since I've been so excited thinking about a future project that I can't sleep. Reminds me of designing the Sphere spriteset editor while lying in the guest bedroom at my grandparents' old place in Pittsburgh.

I'm not gonna give details, but I'm thinking of working on the sequel to a common geometric shape for my Master's thesis. ;) It'll be like nothing you've ever seen... Which means one of three things:

  1. It's too ambitious and it will never be more than vapor. -or-
  2. It will be way ahead of its time and nobody will understand it. -or-
  3. It will completely rock our world.

I'm betting on #2, but maybe a little #3 will peek through. Only time will tell!

I really hope I'm given a green light from my boss-slash-advisor. I want to start this summer. Actually, I want to start tomorrow, but this semester isn't ready to let go just yet...