My stuff came today!
- Donald Norman - The Design of Everyday Things
- Donald Norman - The Invisible Computer
- DeMarco & Lister - Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams
- Jef Raskin - The Humane Interface
- Robert Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- Alan Cooper - The Inmates are Running the Asylum
- Steve McConnell - Code Complete
- and Howie Day - Australia (music)
You can actually read [HTML_REMOVED]Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance[HTML_REMOVED] online at (not that it would be near as good as a physical book)
Wow, neat. To me, the $8 it cost to get the book from is worth physically having it, but for some [poor college] people I know, the online version has its own advantages. Thanks. :)
Heh cool man...I think I should start thinking about my summer reading material too ;)