Not again...
It looks like someone attacked SourceForge's publicly writable files again. There went the Empyrean and ISU GameDev wikis, along with the Sphere forums.
I've learned my lesson. SourceForge is not the place for a TWiki installation. Unfortunately, I won't have time until later on Thursday to deal with this crap.
What a bunch of morons.
when they are doing a disservice to almost everybody. Why the hell would someone try to hack a community like Sphere?! What's wrong with making a videogame engine without even the promise of profit?! That this attack was made, the people who did it reprehensible and pathetic. Totally, totally pathetic.
The important thing is, don't be intimidated! You've nearly completed a tremendous project that many people will find very useful one day. Congratulations, and keep up the good work!
I have an empyrean backup from April 19th if you need it.
It's really easy. People do it because they can. And because they're stupid.
Also I had no idea you had an LJ account. Hi, and stuff.
I agree, it's pathetic. On the other hand, it wasn't just us. It was every world-writable file on SourceForge.
I'm done with Sphere, by the way. I released Sphere 1.0, and Flik has taken over. He just recently released Sphere 1.1.
Yeah, that would be appreciated. How do you want to get it to me? E-mail?
Thankfully, yes. :)
Just tried. Your mail server doesn't like the 14.2MB tarball. Try www: