Computers are getting hotter and consuming more energy as clock rates and die sizes go up. For example (and scarily), the new Alienware system is going to come with watercooling and an 800-watt PSU. That's a lot of juice. That juice costs money. (For example, basilisk is going to cost about $18 per month to keep running 24/7 when I get my own apartment. pyrallis a mere fraction of that, I'm sure. Maybe I'll be shutting basilisk down at night.)

This impacts software developers as well, especially for real-time simulations such as games. The traditional way to write a game loop is:

while running:
    recieve input (input)
    update simulation (processing)
    render graphics (output)

The input/process/output operations constitute a frame. Most applications just burn through this loop as fast as possible, even if it isn't necessary. (Oddly enough, even with vsync enabled, waiting for the framebuffer swap still pegs the CPU. Maybe the drivers use a spin lock for latency reasons?) ZSNES, for example, pegs a CPU as long as it is running. For the sake of discussion, let's say a 600 MHz CPU can run ZSNES at full frame rate. On a 3 GHz CPU, 4/5 of the power of the CPU is being totally wasted. In the past, it didn't really matter... processors consumed about the same amount of power under heavy load as when they were idling. The Pentium IV, however, can have a power draw differential on the order of tens of watts between full load and idling. That extra 2400 million cycles per second is costing money! Is there a way we can modify the frame loop above to save CPU time, and thus save some money?

The emulators snes9x and nester both use miniscule amounts of CPU time, at least on my pretty fast Xeons. I took a look at their source to see how... nester's Win32 message loop does a nonblocking message read (PeekMessage) if the emulator says it should be working. If it says it doesn't need to work right away, the message loop does a blocking message read (GetMessage). I assume it has some way for the emulator to say that it needs to start working again (every few milliseconds) so it can break out of the GetMessage call and get back to work. Either way, that small amount of idle time is the difference between 100% CPU load and 2%. snes9x uses a similar mechanism. It calls the Win32 multimedia function timeSetEvent, which calls a callback from another thread every X milliseconds. That callback can increment the frame counter and send an event to the main loop to do some processing. Once again, the difference between this and the naive loop above is a nontrivial amount of processing time.

How much processing time? Let's say that the difference between full and light load on a 3 GHz Pentium IV is 20 watts. Let's also say that the user plays this game or emulator five hours one day. That's one hundred watt-hours (one tenth of a kilowatt-hour), which costs about a cent. But add that up over the course of weeks or months, and multiply times all of the players. Then the difference between two main loops translates into a real monetary difference. And as processors get hotter (and the descrepancy between full and idle goes up), the costs of just burning processor time will get worse. Even now, running SETI@home or isn't totally free.

Speaking of all of this, I'd like to measure the power draw of my computer under various load conditions. (Heavy processor usage, heavy 3D usage, heavy disk usage, and idle.) Anyone know how I would go about doing this? Are there cheap power meters I could buy and insert between my surge protector and the wall?

Note: One disadvantage of using a frame-throttling system like the ones that snes9x and nester use is that they can be less reliable and more "jittery" if another process decides it wants to hog the CPU. I'd like to investigate and see if I could come up with a good solution to this... (Ideally, you'd just want the framebuffer switch function to do a blocking wait for the vsync. Maybe it would be as simple as having the spin lock issue HLT instructions instead of NOP?)

p.s. An anecdote: at D&D a while back, Jess had her laptop running the D&D character generator program, where she was keeping track of her stats and such. This is an entirely event-based program with no simulation loop or anything, but it pegs the CPU while it runs. On a laptop, that 1) drains the battery fast and 2) causes the fans to run extra loud, annoying everybody else at the table. Now if only the programmers had decided to only do processing when a Windows message came in!

p.p.s. I still need to talk about my impressions of RSIGuard, but I guess I'll have to do it later, since it's yelling at me to take a break from typing. ;)