Recently, my computer has been having troubles. The "hard drive not responding" kind. My computer was randomly freezing or hanging for a minute or two at a time. Sometimes, it would never come back and I'd have to do a hard reboot and then a disk scan. (Sometimes the disk scan would freeze too.) After getting back into Windows, the system event log would show an error from UlSata: The device, \Device\Scsi\UlSata1, did not respond within the timeout period. Yikes. Never heard of a hard drive simply not responding.

So I started looking on google. Searching for "UlSata1" returns NOTHING. So no hope there. I started reading about Serial ATA, and it seems that some people are having trouble with SATA drives because they're new and apparently the cables can be somewhat noisy. Also, it seems some of the SATA controllers aren't that great yet. I flashed my BIOS to get the latest SATA controller, and that didn't really help. Next I took the SATA cable I was using out and replaced it with the other one I have. I also reseated most of the connections in the case. Seems to work beautifully again. :) I'm glad I don't have to contact Maxtor and get a replacement drive.

This entry brought to you in the hope it proves useful for someone having the same troubles as I did.

Update: I was so excited that my drive was working well again (drastically improving the performance of my machine) that I started a stress test. Compiling with -j4, running ten programs, etc. *DING* Windows Hard Error *DING* Windows Hard Error *DING* Windows Hard Error. Then all of the programs started failing, saying they couldn't access the disk. O_o Now the drive doesn't show up in my BIOS, but it works in Windows... Maybe I'll have to call Maxtor after all...