I'm proud to announce that IMVU has open-sourced its C++ CallStack API! It's available under the MIT license at our SourceForge project. You can view the code here.

CallStack is a simple API for recording and displaying C++ call stacks on 32-bit Windows. To display the call stack at the current location:

printf("%s\n", CallStack::here().asString().c_str());

To grab a CallStack from an arbitrary thread:

HANDLE other_thread_handle = ...;
CallStack other_thread(other_thread_handle);

From a structured exception:

Context ctx;
CallStack cs;
__try {
	// broken code
__except (
	ctx = *(GetExceptionInformation())->ContextRecord),
) {
	// display cs.asString()

At first, the format of CallStack.asString() is a bit confusing, but with your symbol server it contains everything necessary to generate a symbolic call stack, including file names and line numbers.

Here is an example CallStack.asString() result:


The lines are formatted module_name#module_hash!offset. module_name is the name of the DLL or EXE in which the function lives. module_hash is a unique hash that identifies a build of a particular module. offset is the offset of the line of code in bytes from the start of the module. With this information, you can look up a function name and line number for each entry in a call stack.

Fortunately, we have a tool that automates this process: symbol_dump.py! Running it with the previous call stack on the clipboard produces this output:

	...t\python-2.5.1-src\objects\abstract.c (1860): PyObject_Call
	...0\libs\python\src\object\function.cpp ( 614): function_call
	...\boost\function\function_template.hpp ( 132): boost::detail::function::function_obj_invoker2<boost::_bi::bind_t<bool,boost::python::detail::translate_exception<IMVUError,void (__cdecl*)(IMVUError const &)>,boost::_bi::list3<boost::arg<1>,boost::arg<2>,boost::_bi::value<void (__cdecl*)(IMVUError const

That last function name is pretty epic (as are most Boost or C++ function names), but notice that the call stack has accurate file names and line numbers.

The astute reader might ask "Don't minidumps contain stack traces too?" The answer is yes, but minidumps are often inconvenient. Consider the common case:

  1. Open crash report
  2. Download mini.dmp to the desktop
  3. Open mini.dmp in Visual Studio
  4. Press F11
  5. Open the call stack debug window if it's not open

With CallStack, we can shorten that to

  1. Open crash report
  2. Copy the call stack
  3. Run symbol_dump.py

Also, for reasons I don't understand, sometimes Visual Studio fails to produce an informative stack when CallStack succeeds.

CallStack is a handy tool for debugging crashes from the wild, and I'm happy that we were able to make it available.