July 22nd, 2008 was the first time I'd ever eaten a parsnip. On that day, I became a parsnip evangelist. Based on the blank stares of my audience, I realized that most people have never eaten them as well.

Parsnip Raw

So let's start from the beginning. Parsnips look like white carrots, and taste sweeter and stronger (and better) than carrots. They have double the fiber, more vitamin C, more fat, more protein, and, except for vitamin A, more of most vitamins and minerals.

My cooking experience with parsnips is extremely limited, but so far they don't seem to have that characteristic bitterness of wild carrots if you undercook them.

Again, I'm focusing on easy preparation, so here's how I prepare them:

  1. Go to the store and buy some!
  2. Peel and cut them into pieces.
  3. Add to a bowl with a couple tablespoons of water.
  4. Microwave for five or so minutes (until they're soft on the outside).
  5. Add some butter or salt (or sugar).
  6. EAT!


  1. Bake them like this.

Baked Parsnips

Warning: Don't eat wild parsnips. Apparently it's easily mistaken for hemlock, even in taste. If you make this mistake, you will die.