Why not Python?

I love Python. It's easy to learn, predictable, and works well for a wide variety of programs. Python's the first language where I regularly found myself writing programs and having them work on the first try. The problem with Python is that it breaks down at scale.


In my experience, whenever a Python codebase reaches a couple hundred thousand lines of code, performance becomes an issue. It's well-known that Python's straight-line perf is not even close to C or even Java. In addition, Python programs don't make efficient use of memory: objects are large and sparse -- programs consist of a lot of pointer-chasing. The garbage collector's not great, and startup and module loading times become an issue at scale, especially for short-lived processes like unit tests, build scripts, or desktop applications.

There are Python JIT compilers, but JITs don't really help with startup time or memory usage.


Python has a GIL, meaning it's hard to write programs that make efficient use of the hardware. It's possible to move CPU-bound work into C, but any kind of coordination between Python and C has to ping-pong across the GIL, which becomes a central bottleneck.

Launching multiple processes can help, but each process pays Python's base process memory usage overhead, and they can't easily share in-memory caches.

As we've seen from Haskell and Go, the ability to have convenient, lightweight, efficient parallelism is a big deal.


I talked about this in The Long-Term Problem With Dynamically Typed Languages. As codebases get huge, you really want to be able to lean on the computer in order to safely make changes. Type systems are mini proof assistants for expressing guarantees like "I never mix up binary data with textual data" or "I always check the case that optional values are empty". Unit tests help, but are "proof by example". Type systems add a meaningful layer of confidence, allowing software to scale to larger teams and faster changes.

Why not Haskell/Go/Rust/Scala/F#/Whatever?

I agree 100% with Patrick Walton here:

There is room for some statically-typed language to occupy the network-services niche where performance needs to be good—maybe 2x slower than optimal (note that this is not acceptable for all network services)—and speed of development trumps most other considerations. Some sort of hybrid of Swift, Rust, and Go, perhaps, as none of them are 100% ideal for this space.

The dynamic language space is relatively saturated at this point. Rust is doing a great job in the native machine performance space. F# and Swift and, to some degree, Scala are excellent choices for the .NET, Apple, and JVM ecosystems, respectively.

But as of yet, there's nothing great in either the web frontend space or the application server space.

Haskell's laziness, curried functions, and nonobvious operational semantics are not suitable for frontend code. While it's an otherwise perfect language for writing application servers, its syntax is tragically divisive, and I have no hope that Haskell as it stands today will become mainstream.

Go's type system somehow manages to be both verbose and not expressive enough. Go is sufficient for single-purpose servers, but, from first-hand experience, the lack of generics really hurts in application servers. (I probably owe an essay on the difference between the two types of servers.) The Go community tends to rely on idioms, but it would be better if the language was general and expressive enough to allow direction expression of things like timeouts and cancellation. Also, Go is not actually memory-safe. Go is especially frustrating because, if it had, say, generics and tuples instead of the more limited multiple-return-values, it would be a truly excellent programming language.

Rust's concurrency is not lightweight enough, and the syntax is extremely verbose.

Scala has a significant platform dependency on the JVM. Check out the size of some Scala.js programs. Also Scala's type system is insanely complex.

F# brings along a large .NET dependency. It also suffers from the ML syntax. (Actually, it has two syntaxes.)

Maybe Swift is great, but it was only just open sourced, and I'd be worried about the Obj-C platform dependency. I've yet to write any real Swift programs, but what I've seen looks great.

All of these languages are lovely and have their uses, but none are particularly satisfactory replacements for Go or TypeScript/JavaScript. That is, lightweight code that can run at high performance in a browser and on a concurrent, scalable server.

But, hold on, what about js_of_ocaml? This is where things get interesting. Andy used js_of_ocaml for a while and found that, on paper, Ocaml has all the right properties: it's safe, high-performance, compiles to very concise, efficient JavaScript, expressive, concurrent, established... In fact, it's nearly perfect... if you can stomach the syntax, that is. As I mentioned previously, at this point I'm convinced that ML-family languages haven't caught on largely for reasons of taste (or lack thereof -- just look at the js_of_ocaml website's font selection).

The Goals

So what are we trying to do with this thing?

The language doesn't need anything new or innovative. ML gives us how bidirectional type inference, sum types with pattern matching, and soundness. Haskell gives us overloading (i.e. type classes, i.e. type-indexed values). Go shows us how important a solid experience is, both for the first time and in daily use. Python shows us how it's possible to connect predictable syntax and solid, composable semantics.

Thus, this is largely a human factors project. Our goal is to see if we can marry all of those things into one language.

Our goals are to have

  • Memory safety.
  • Static typing without heavyweight type annotations everywhere.
  • Language features that are composable.
  • A minimal runtime, with no large platform dependency.
  • Obvious execution semantics. Like imperative languages, you should be able to look at a program and understand its runtime behavior.
  • Tight, clean compilation to JavaScript. Should be a suitable alternative to TypeScript or CoffeeScript.
  • A reasonable replacement for Go or Node on the backend.
  • Cost-free abstractions.


  • C- or Rust-like performance. Rust is already doing a great job there.
  • Support for restricted effects. It's not clear the usability cost is worth it.

Next time, I'll either dive into one of the specific design decisions we've made, or talk about the language's overall gestalt or texture.