Sorry about the lack of updates. I'm starting to sound like the VERGE 2 dev team. =) At any rate, I've been having some trouble with SphereScript. Designing and implementing a programming language is not a small task. Just a second ago, I finished implementing user-defined types. Here's an example:

struct character
  string name;
  int hp, mp;
  int strength;   ' put any other attributes here

character MainCharacter;

void startup()
{ = "AegisKnight"; = (MainCharacter.hp = 12) - 4;

Now it's time to implement arrays. Here's an example of what I want it to look like:

struct party
  int gold;
  character[5] characters;

After I complete arrays, Sphere will be in a releasable state. However, I will probably take a couple days to make a better demonstration game.