Hmmm, where to start. First off, I just got back from my Iowa State orientation. College is approaching fast and I can see my coding time drop drastically. :(

Next, Sphere 0.08 won't be out for a while. However, when it does come out, it will be nearly complete. I'm dumping the whole multiple-program editing for a complete Sphere IDE. It'll be called SDE, the Sphere Development Environment, and it will contain almost all of your Sphere development needs. Also, with the major engine redesign going on, the maps are not backwards compatible with previous versions. Go ahead and send e-mail, but please don't ask these questions:

How do I make tiles transparent?

How does SphereScript work?

When will 0.08 be out?

Are there any Sphere tutorials?

All of these issues will be addressed in 0.08. In fact, I recommend that people hold off on serious Sphere development until 0.08. Sorry, but I'm having trouble keeping up with the growing userbase. Maybe you'll run into people in DAlnet #sphere who can answer your questions. I've also been considering making a web board, but we'll see. If enough people ask, I'll probably write the CGI.

One last thing, thanks to all of you for the support I've received!