Yes, it's been a while since the last update. I've moved to Iowa State University and have been having too much fun on the T1 to get much useful done. ;) Actually, I have been productive. Sphere and SDE are now public domain software released with source code. If you feel that you could contribute to the engine, please do so. I'm too busy now to work on it alone.

I uploaded the latest Sphere. It's probably very broken, but it's finally out there. Play with it. Tell me what needs to be done (specifically, not in general!). Add things to it. I considered releasing it under the GPL, but GNU is a little too Nazi-ish for me. Either way, I'd like to see it running under Linux in a month. (I'll start porting this week.)

The newest version of SDE has also been updated. It plays sound and music files and has completely replaced the original SphereScript compiler. I've been working on tileset support, but that hasn't gone very far, as I can't think of a good design. If anyone has any suggestions on how they would like to edit tiles in a window, please tell. Actually, look at the current tileset support in SDE first.

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