Well, I'm very pleased to see that the amount of people using Sphere (or at least giving it a shot) is increasing fairly rapidly. For a while I thought the indy RPG scene (2D at that) was going away. :) It gives me a lot of motivation to continue coding and adding new features to Sphere. Although its popularity is going up, it still isn't at 1.0 yet, so don't expect it to work at all. (This is sort of why I chose to release it in .tar.bz2 format. An installer would just be too easy ;).

Anyway, thanks for the support!

Oh yeah, I've been thinking about adding support for a new type of map that would just be based off of layered images and not tilesets. It seems that since many people want to predraw/prerender their maps, this would make their lives easier. If you have an opinion about this, please drop me a line. Thanks.