Okay... Hopefully this will be the last time I have to reinstall Windows... This'll teach me to stop installing DirectX 8! It screws up my mouse in Quake III so that sometimes I'll just spin randomly or just walk forward, firing my gun uncontrollably.

I guess I'll talk about Sphere while everything is uninstalling. I think I have most of the features for the next official release done... Right now I'm finishing up support for obstructions. Sphere will be basically "done" after this.

However, there are some other relatively big changes I want to make before 1.0. One of them is completely reworking the audio code. I'll build an audio library that supports MP3 via libMAD, ogg via libogg (or libvorbis or whatever), and MOD/XM/IT/S3M through libmikmod. I may also discover that the way person entities is done is too slow, in which case I'll rewrite that code.

I think I could get away with making a 1.0 release right now, but when 1.0 comes out, I'm going to guarantee that all games are backwards compatible. Therefore, I don't want to get stuck with a bad design for the rest of Sphere's life.

When 1.0 is finally released, I'll split my spare time up 50/50 between Sphere and Battlements. That way I can work on a new project and still work on all of the little enhancements to Sphere that are possible (and planned).

The VS .net uninstaller wants me to reboot now...