Earlier today I decided I was going to whip out the old NES emulator and have nostalgic fun. I've gotten hooked to FF1 again. :) I remember the first time I played that game... Right when it came out (11 years ago -_-), my best friend, Chris, rented it. I went over to his place to check it out. I'd never played a game like it! It was so cool! You had these guys! And you killed monsters! And got more powerful! Of course, he didn't like it much, but who cares. In hindsight, I realize that my enjoyment of RPGs began right then.

I only ever beat the game once. I borrowed it from somebody after Chris had to return it. I don't remember much at all, except that the first time I got to the last boss, Chaos, he cast 'Inferno' and killed every single one of my party members. FF1 had no save points, so I had to go through the entire last area again... Anyway, I tried it again and did manage to win. Such a great feeling. :)

I have attempted to go through the game again at a few points in my life with varying success. Each time I got bored around the point where you have to build up a LOT so you can afford the equipment and spells in the elf village. Most of the time I played the game with NES emulators (usually NESticle). However, during my senior year of high school, I borrowed the cartridge from a friend. I played and played and got very far. In fact, I was getting close to Tiamat (the final fiend)! Walk, battle, *crash*. The screen became a chaotic field filled with all colors of the rainbow. *blink*... *reset*... "My save game is gone!!! NOOO!!!!!!" *swear* *curse* *punch ground* *repeat* Of course, my friends were over and they were all laughing hysterically at my misfortunate... I guess the lesson here is you shouldn't ever play long RPGs on game consoles that are about to fall apart. C'est la vie, eh?

On the code front... I've had a serious lack of motivation recently. I almost got a test player for Acoustique done and then the code just quit coming out. Maybe I'll get more motivation when I'm out in California.

Until then... old NES games! :D