
This tale is a little long and detailed, so for those of you who want immediate payoff...

Andy and I wrote a Haskell library called Data.BufferBuilder (including Data.BufferBuilder.Utf8 and Data.BufferBuilder.Json) which makes it easy to safely and efficiently encode Haskell data structures into JSON. In our benchmarks, using Data.BufferBuilder.Json to encode JSON is 4-5x as fast as using Aeson.

Even if you're already using Aeson, you can benefit somewhat from BufferBuilder's improved encoding performance. The buffer-builder-aeson package adds a ToJson instance for Aeson's Value type, which our benchmarks show is 50% to 100% faster than Aeson's built-in encoder. All you need to do is call Data.BufferBuilder.Json.encodeJson instead of Data.Aeson.encode!

Why did we build BufferBuilder?

Some of IMVU's backend services are written in Haskell. While Haskell is incredible for many use cases, we ran into an unexpected bottleneck: JSON encoding. Our service response structure produces quite a lot of JSON, and much of that JSON contains URLs encoded into JSON strings.

Amazingly, URL and JSON encoding was showing up as a significant cost center when generating JSON responses. Some services spent over a second encoding JSON!

When faced with a performance problem, my first instinct is to either pound the problem into the ground or unmake the problem so the code isn't necessary in the first place.

So let's look at the problem holistically:

  • A JSON response is represented in memory as a collection of varied, in-memory data structures. The response happens to contain many URLs -- sometimes more than a hundred.
  • URLs are represented by a data structure consisting of the protocol, hostname, path segments, query string, and so on.
  • Each URL becomes a JSON string.
  • Each in-memory data structure is converted to a JSON object whose properties depend on the type on the corresponding data structure.

Using Aeson to encode all of this results in the following steps:

  • ToJSON instances convert Haskell data types to an AST of Aeson Values.
  • The keys of an Aeson object are Text values. In memory, Text is encoded in UTF-16. Thus, URLs must be translated from their in-memory representation (ours is ASCII) into UTF-16 before they fit into the Aeson AST.
  • Then, the entity bodies are converted into JSON objects, where the keys are known at compile-time, but must be encoded as UTF-16.
  • The entire AST is encoded into a Lazy Text Builder.
  • Then the Lazy Text is encoded into a Lazy ByteString containing UTF-8.
  • Then, to generate the response body, the Lazy ByteString is concatenated into a single strict ByteString.

That's a lot of steps! To summarize:

(URLs and Custom Data Types) -> Aeson AST -> Lazy Text -> Lazy UTF-8 ByteString -> Strict ByteString

The Design of BufferBuilder

This is where Andy and I sat down to create an API to let us cleanly express JSON encoding without sacrificing type safety OR performance.

We know that a fast, if not the fastest, way to build up a buffer of bytes is to allocate a chunk of memory, stream writes to it, and either chunk or realloc() as needed. Obviously, this kind of code can be trivially expressed in C:

void buffer_append(buffer* b, const char* s, size_t length) {
    if (!b->has_room(length)) {
    memcpy(b->data + b->size, s, length);

Because I'd been told that bouncing between Haskell and C with the foreign function interface can be slow, my first approach was to attempt to build a Haskell monad that grabbed the RealWorld token out of IO (IO a is basically a newtype around RealWorld -> (RealWorld, a)), augmented it with some extra "local variables" like the output ptr, capacity, and current size, and manually implemented allocation and memory writes with GHC.Prim APIs. GHC did not like this at all. The generated code ran 20 times slower than naive usage of Data.ByteString.Builder. Nonetheless, it was an interesting technique, so maybe I'll write about it another time.

Surely it was possible to do better. So I tried the foreign function interface after all.

I wrote a tiny C API that allocated the underlying growable buffer. It provided APIs for appending bytes, buffers, UTF-16-to-UTF-8 transcoding, and so on. These FFI calls can only happen within IO actions, but building buffers is fundamentally a pure operation, and the provided Haskell API should be effectively pure. The solution is to offer a restricted state monad like ST which limits the operations within the monad to safe buffer-building operations.

This approach was by the fastest of any that I tried. In fact, in a sequence of appendBS operations, if the arguments are known-strict ByteStrings, GHC will compile the appendBS sequence directly into a series of cheap C function calls. For example, the following code:

data BSTriple = BSTriple !ByteString !ByteString !ByteString

writeBSTriple :: BSTriple -> BufferBuilder ()
writeBSTriple !(BSTriple a b c) = do
    appendBS a
    appendBS b
    appendBS c

compiles into something like:

movq %rbx,%rdi
movq 120(%rsp),%rax
movq %rax,%rsi
movq 96(%rsp),%rax
movq %rax,%rdx
movq 112(%rsp),%rax
addq %rax,%rdx
subq $8,%rsp
movl $0,%eax
call bw_append_bs
addq $8,%rsp
movq %rbx,%rdi
movq 152(%rsp),%rax
movq %rax,%rsi
movq 128(%rsp),%rax
movq %rax,%rdx
movq 144(%rsp),%rax
addq %rax,%rdx
subq $8,%rsp
movl $0,%eax
call bw_append_bs
addq $8,%rsp
movq %rbx,%rdi
movq 216(%rsp),%rax
movq %rax,%rsi
movq 160(%rsp),%rax
movq %rax,%rdx
movq 208(%rsp),%rax
addq %rax,%rdx
subq $8,%rsp
movl $0,%eax
call bw_append_bs
addq $8,%rsp

Obviously GHC's code generator has some room to improve, but the main thrust is exactly right. An equivalent C++ API would generate much the same kind of code, modulo the poor instruction and register selection, which overall doesn't matter too much here.

In almost all situations, Haskell isn't going to be as fast as straightforward C, but with some work and appropriate use of FFI, it's possible to come close.


Once we had an API to safely and efficiently build up buffers of bytes, we wanted to build safe APIs on top for constructing valid UTF-8 buffers and valid JSON.

Utf8Builder is a newtype around BufferBuilder with a restricted API. If you only call safe functions in Data.BufferBuilder.Utf8, the result is guaranteed to be valid UTF-8. Unsafe functions are provided for when you know precisely what you're doing.


Data.BufferBuilder.Json is built on top of Data.BufferBuilder.Utf8. Data.BufferBuilder.Json's Value type is a newtype around Utf8Builder, meaning there's no Aeson-style AST. Each Value simply knows how to write itself into an output buffer. Just like how the safe Utf8Builder functions guarantee the output is legal UTF-8, the safe JsonBuilder functions guarantee (almost) that the output is a legal JSON document. (There are a couple caveats, see the documentation for details.)

I suspect Data.BufferBuilder.Json is approaching the limit of how fast a JSON encoder can be. And thanks to the beauty of Haskell, it's convenient and safe!

If you're using Aeson and encoding performance matters to you, give BufferBuilder a shot!